Photo Album |
Judea Desert | .JPG) | Always ready to tour around. This time locally, in the Judea Desert. |
| Cyprus 1974 | .JPG) | While visitng his father, who served as ambassador of Israel in Cyprus during the civil war, Oved had almost created a political incident when he mistakably crossed the Turkish border. Here with the UN forces back in safe harbor. |
| Speaker at School Event | .jpg) | Outstanding student and popular among his piers, Oved was nominated speaker of events |
| Private Oved Yosha |  | In 1975 Oved began his military service which he concluded in 1986 |
| Rubber Boats | .JPG) | The best time period during naval commanding course |
| Diving the Kishon | .JPG) | |
| Navy officer | .JPG) | |
| Rubber Boats | .JPG) | |
| Kadet |  | |
| With friend Momo Cohen | .jpg) | Pictured with Momo Cohen, close friend from Naval Commanding Course. |
| Advanced course |  | Pictured with Ze'ev Almog, Israel Navy Chief commander |
| Commanding Course Graduation |  | Standing Michael Barkaii, Yumi, Israel Chief Commanding Officer,Z'L, next to him Shaul Sade, Head of Training Base, Sitting with a cigarette, Yehezkeeli z"l |
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